
How To Make Your Own Command For The AlbaOS ACL

22nd June 2024, Cameron

So, you want to make your own commands for the ACL? Well, you’ve come to the right place! AlbaOs is a mostly command line-based OS and therefore as an open source OS I have decided and important article would be to show you how to make your own commands for AlbaOS.

To start if you navigate to the CLI source file at [ src/cli.cpp ] you will see the includes, namespaces , forward declarations and declarations of some functions that exist in [ kernel.cpp ]. After all the declarations, the fun begins. This is where you can implement a function with the desired functionality of the command you want to make.

This function must contain the parameters (char* args, CommandLine* cli) if this is the function you wish to interact with when the command is called, this sort of acts like a main function for the command (horrible description, im sorry). These parameters contain a pointer to the argument string and a pointer to the CLI.

For example, I want to make a command called “welcome” that then prints the line “Welcome to AlbaOs” I would make a function that goes as such:

void welcomecommand(char* args, CommandLine* cli) { printf(“Welcome To AlbaOS\n” );}

We have laid out the functionality, now what?

We need to hash the command to the hash table that the CLI uses to look up commands, we use a FNV-1A hash (for further reading I have other articles on this subject)

To do this go to the void CommandLine::hash_cli_init() function. We will the add our command to the hash table by adding the line:


for the example of the welcome command the hash add will look like this:


This will make it so that if you type welcome into the command line the function is called.

Thank you for reading 0v0